No Closing Cost Loans

No closing cost mortgage loans are usually associated with refinancing mortgage loans. The No Closing Cost program is ideal for homeowners who lower their monthly payments without paying closing costs. The closing cost usually include title and escrow fees, appraisal fees, lender fees, credit report fees and other miscellaneous expenses non-recurring over the period of the loan.

No Closing Cost loans allow you to avoid non-recurring closing costs by selecting a slightly higher interest rate. When you choose a no closing cost loan you receive a rebate that will pay your non-recurring closing costs, allowing you to close with less money up-front.

For more information about the rights you have as a home buyer and borrower, including the types of fees that lenders can charge, see the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Web site, especially the section about settlement costs and information.

For more information, please call (844) 4-PRESTO or click the button below to request a free consultation with one of our mortgage advisors.

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